In psychology, we learn that a narcissist will always accuse someone else of what he/she is doing (it's known as "projection"). The US behaves this way and has for decades. The US is the narcissist of the world.

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Nov 28, 2022·edited Nov 28, 2022Liked by Kevin Michelizzi

Top Secret CIA Declassified Operation Northwoods - Never trust the a Corporation called the District of Columbia ...





Written in response to a request from the Chief of the Cuba Project, Col. Edward Lansdale, the Top Secret memorandum describes U.S. plans to covertly engineer various pretexts that would justify a U.S. invasion of Cuba.

These proposals - part of a secret anti-Castro program known as Operation Mongoose - included staging the assassinations of Cubans living in the United States, developing a fake “Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington,” including “sink[ing] a boatload of Cuban refugees (real or simulated),” faking a Cuban Airforce attack on a civilian jetliner, and concocting a “Remember the Maine” incident by blowing up a U.S. ship in Cuban waters and then blaming the incident on Cuban sabotage. Bamford himself writes that Operation Northwoods “may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government.”

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Kevin Michelizzi

I prefer to follow those I trust like Scott and disregard opposing views . Interesting article and it explains well what a troll farm is , thank you .

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The Kaspersky article you recommend may do more harm than good. Their overview of misinformation, disinformation and how to counter fake news is basically a "trust authoritative source" screed.

For example in advising how to identify fake news, the article's numbered list concludes with 10. Use a fact-checking site. Some of the best include:

- Snopes

- PolitiFact

- Fact Check

- BBC Reality Check

If anything sites like Snopes are part of the misinfo-disinfo propaganda. They've misrepresented Scott Ritter plenty. I was surprised to see them cited as legit.

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Thank you, Kevin, for this much needed information and links to it. The trolls are everywhere, but hopefully the light of the truth will get them out of their dark corners of the internet.

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Kevin Michelizzi

Thank you for the explanation of how Troll Farms operate. An astonishing and concerning trend.

Scott Ritter is one person I follow to get factual reporting! His conversations with Jeff Norman are informative, interesting and also entertaining.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Kevin Michelizzi

Years ago, on the Tom Snyder show, the head of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Union bragged Bureaucrats run the Government. He explained administrations changed every 2 to 4 years BUT Bureaucrats were ALWAYS there, year after year after year. He explained they all flew up like Pigeons every couple of years and usually landed in the same spot they were in or a spot or two down if their spot was filled. But, they're always there, year after year after year. “We Bureaucrats run the government”, he bragged.

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They glow, you shine

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Kevin Michelizzi

I watch/watch/listen to many of the interviews you Scott Ritter do regarding the Russian Federation vs NATO conflict. And then I read the various adverse comments that leave a level of infantibility that I don't know if they are from real people who don't watch/listen/watch and read...or are simply trolls. I mean mostly comments on youtube. Thank you very much!

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Kevin Michelizzi

Trolls can only exist in a vacuum [of information]. Ignorance is the absence of knowledge.

Read an alarming large-scale U.S. media study recently that claimed 58% of respondents believed the 'media' was 'purposely' misleading. Knowingly misleading. That can't be a good thing for an industry based on trust.

* top three troll farms

1. Over 50 top national security Intelligence officials (and President Biden) who said Hunter Biden's Laptop was Russian disinformation, claim Ukraine is an act of Russian aggression and that Russia is a threat to Western European countries.

2. Every media organization who printed Russia's invasion/SMO was a completely 'unprovoked, unhinged attack by a madman lost in a fantasy of Peter the Great and Imperial Russian Glory'. Which is all of them.. . NYT, WaPo, The Guardian are all major TROLL FARMS.

3. For the most part, The Ukraine MoD, Ministry of Disinformation, SBU and the Office of President Zelensky ...




4. Congress.

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The funny thing about IRA, it wasn't a troll farm, they did simple traffic arbitrage: They bought cheap ads on FB based on dumb memes directing the users to their junk sites where they hoped the visitors would click on their ads and buy their junk. This used to be called internet marketing back in the day.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Kevin Michelizzi

Thanks Scott, you're a lifeline to truth.

I'm still trying to work out truth from fake, think most of these are good.

RT, MintPress news, The Grayzone, Brownstone inst, Consortium news, Summit news, free west, Children's Health def, Conservative woman, Facts matter, Zeee media

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Coming from the Director of Naval Special Operations and Irregular Warfare, this propaganda is especially disturbing. Appears to be recruiting domestic UkraNazis: NATO-Gladio PsyOP?


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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Kevin Michelizzi

Glenn Greenwald Shows Record:

Nov 29 -- Third GG pre-launch show

Nov 25 – Second GG pre-launch show

https://rumble.com/v1xbl8g-the-medias-deranged-hysteria-over-elon-musks-restoration-of-free-speech.html -- The Media’s Deranged Hysteria Over Elon Musk’s Restoration of Free Speech

With Sub-stack transcript -- https://substack.com/inbox/post/87024368

Nov. 16 -- First GG pre-launch show


Q&A -- https://greenwald.locals.com/upost/3069918/pre-launch-q-a

NO transcripts

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The immensity of the evil we are surrounded by is deep dark and seemingly unending. It is not. These people, dangerous as they in fact are, ride pale, pale horses. At the core their little black shriveled hearts are wounded. They operate on the 1's and 0's of nothingness.

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